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Grid reserve

The aim of the grid reserve is to ensure that sufficient supply and demand are available at all times to eliminate bottlenecks in the transmission grid. The grid reserve is thus a pool of additional generation capacity or reducible demand capacity that can be called upon if congestion occurs within the system. APG determines the amount of grid reserve required each year by carrying out a system analysis in accordance with Section 23a of the Austrian Electricity Industry and Organisation Act 2010 (Elektrizitätswirtschafts- und organisationsgesetz, ElWOG). This reserve capacity is then procured through a transparent, non-discriminatory, market-based tender procedure in line with Sections 23b ff. EIWOG 2010. Following approval by the regulatory authority, a grid reserve contract is concluded with those providers who have been successful. Contracted plant operators receive a fee based on the bid price in return for the power reserves provided. Any activation of grid reserve plants will be compensated for separately in accordance with the congestion management agreements to be entered into (see section 5.4 of the General Terms and Conditions for Grid Reserves). The tender procedure starts in March every year. All relevant information will be published on this page. You can find further information on the grid reserve here (in German). 

Current grid reserve procurement process

The network reserve tender for 2025/26 is currently in the expression of interest phase. Interested participants have the chance to express their interest in the next tender by submitting the necessary forms. 




Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD-Tower)
1220 Wien


Decommissioning notification

Operators of generation plants with a congestion capacity of more than 20 MW are obliged to notify the control area manager of the decommissioning of their plant. 

Expression of interest

All suppliers who intend to make their plants available to the grid reserve can express their interest to APG within the aforementioned expression of interest period.

Offer phase

APG selects the grid reserve providers in a two-stage process.

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