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Go-Live Market Coupling AT-HU & AT-CZ on 17.06.2021

APG will implement market coupling at the borders with Hungary and the Czech Republic ("interim market coupling"). The new processes will replace the previous explicit day-ahead auctions at these borders; day-ahead capacities will only be allocated implicitly via the power exchanges (NEMOs) in future. After completion of all necessary tests, the day of commissioning has now been set as 17.06.2021 (trading day), the first delivery day is thus 18.06.2021. With the same date, there will also be a change in the operational timings within the framework of the European Single Day Ahead Coupling (SDAC).

At the same time, the long-term products at the borders to Hungary and the Czech Republic will be converted to Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs) with monthly product July. Therefore, as of July, nominations are no longer possible for monthly products, but only for the annual product 2021. The complete conversion to FTRs will take place with the annual product 2022.

Comprehensive information on the changes can be found in the documents of the last APG webinar of 26 April 2021 and the webinar on the Interim Coupling Project of 21 April 2021 jointly organised by all project parties in cooperation with SDAC.

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