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Notification of external commercial trade schedules

General information   

The following table contains information on notification of external commercial trade schedules depending on the time frame and border. You can also download the information here. For general information please also refer to the E-Control-approved Other Market Rules, chapter 3 “Schedules”, as well as the related links

All time series within a schedule that belong to a neighbouring scheduling area are described as corresponding provided that all header attributes “In Party”, “Out Party”, “Capacity Agreement Identification” and “Capacity Contract Type” are identical. In principle, the values of these corresponding schedule time series shall be netted (i.e. only one energy direction per time interval has a value greater than 0 MW).  

Amendments to scheduling rules are possible. In such a case, all balancing group representatives in the APG scheduling area will be notified by e-mail. 

Switzerland / Swissgrid

 Longterm CapacitiesShortterm CapacitiesIntraday AuctionsIntraday Continuous Trading
SDAC Market CouplingJAO (Shadow Auction)**
Time/Quantity Resolution *)15 min. / 0,001 MW-15 min. / 0,001 MW-15 min. / 0,001 MW
CCTA04 (Yearly) / A03 (Monthly)-A01 (Daily)


A07 (Intraday)
CAIallocated by JAO-allocated by JAO


allocated by ICS
Earliest possible NominationD-2 12:30-after Publication of Auction Results


D-1 22:00
Nomination Gate ClosureD-1 08:00-D-1  14:30


45 min. prior to every quarter hour
Correction CycleD-1 08:00-08:20-D-1  14:30 - 15:30


Nomination Procedure1:1- 1:1




Germany / Amprion, Transnet BW, Tennet-D

 Longterm Capacities

Shortterm Capacities

Intraday AuctionsIntraday Continuous Trading
SDAC Market CouplingJAO (Shadow Auction)**
Time/Quantity Resolution *)-60 min. / 0,1 MW15 min. / 0,001 MW15 min / 0,1 MW15 min. / 0,001 MW
CCT-A05A05A07 (Intraday)A07 (Intraday)
CAI-EIC of Rights HolderEIC of Rights HolderAllocated by ID Core Tool (JAO)allocated by SIDC
Earliest possible Nomination-after Global Final Confirmationafter Publication of Auction ResultsIDA1: D-1 15:45 IDA2: After Publication of Auction Results IDA3: After Publication of Auction ResultsD-1 15:45
Nomination Gate Closure-D-1 14:30D-1  14:30***)
D-1  15:00***)
D-1  15:30***)
IDA1 (D-1) 16:00 IDA2 (D-1 ) 23:00 IDA3 (D) 11:0045 min. prior to every quarter hour
Correction Cycle-D-1 14:30-15:30***)--
Nomination Procedure-1:1 1:11:11:1


Czech Republic / Ceps

 Longterm Capacities

Shortterm Capacities

Intraday AuctionsIntraday Continuous Trading
SDAC Market CouplingJAO (Shadow Auction)**
Time/Quantity Resolution *)-60 min / 0,1 MW60 min. / 1 MW15 min / 0,1 MW15 min / 0,1 MW
CCT-A01 (Daily)A01 (Daily)A07 (Intraday)A07 (Intraday)
CAI-allocated by DA Core Tool (JAO)allocated by JAOAllocated by ID Core Tool (JAO)allocated by SIDC
Earliest possible Nomination-after Global Final ConfirmationAfter Publication of Auction ResultsIDA1: D-1 15:45 IDA2: After Publication of Auction Results IDA3: After Publication of Auction ResultsD-1 15:45
Nomination Gate Closure-D-1 14:30D-1  14:30***)
D-1  15:00***)
D-1  15:30***)
IDA1 (D-1) 16:00 IDA2 (D-1 ) 23:00 IDA3 (D) 11:0045 min. prior to every quarter hour
Correction Cycle-D-1 14:30-15:30***)--
Nomination Procedure-A:Bn:mA:BA:B


Hungary / Mavir

 Longterm Capacities

Shortterm Capacities

Intraday AuctionsIntraday Continuous Trading
SDAC Market CouplingJAO (Shadow) Auction**
Time/Quantity Resolution *)-60 min / 0,1 MW60 min / 1 MW15 min / 0,1 MW15 min. / 0,1 MW
CCT-A01 (Daily)A01 (Daily)A07 (Intraday)A07 (Intraday)
CAI-allocated by DA Core Tool (JAO)allocated by JAOallocated by ID Core Tool (JAO)allocated by SIDC
Earliest possible Nomination-after Global Final Confirmationafter Publication of Auction ResultsIDA1: D-1 15:45 IDA2: After Publication of Auction Results IDA3: After Publication of Auction ResultsD-1 15:45
Nomination Gate Closure-D-1 14:30D-1  14:30***)
D-1  15:00***)
D-1  15:30***)
IDA1 (D-1) 16:00 IDA2 (D-1 ) 23:00 IDA3 (D) 11:0045 min. prior to every quarter hour
Correction Cycle-D-1 14:30-15:30***)


Nomination Principle-A:Bn:mA:BA:B


Slovenia / Eles

 Longterm Capacities

Shortterm Capacities

Intraday AuctionsIntraday Continuous Trading
SDAC Market CouplingJAO (Shadow Auction)**
Time/Quantity Resolution *)-60 min / 0,1 MW60 min. / 1 MW15 min / 0,1 MW15 min / 0,1 MW
CCT-A01 (Daily)A01 (Daily)A07 (Intraday)A07 (Intraday)
CAI-allocated by DA Core tool (JAO)allocated by JAOAllocated by ID Core Tool (JAO)allocated by SIDC
Earliest possible Nomination-after Global Final Confirmationafter Publication of Auction ResultsIDA1: D-1 15:45 IDA2: After Publication of Auction Results IDA3: After Publication of Auction ResultsD-1 15:45
Nomination Gate Closure-D-1 14:30D-1  14:30***)
D-1  15:00***)
D-1  15:30***)
IDA1 (D-1) 16:00 IDA2 (D-1 ) 23:00 IDA3 (D) 11:0045 min. prior to every quarter hour
Correction Cycle-D-1 14:30-15:30***)


Nomination Procedure-A:Bn:mA:BA:B


Italy / Terna

 Longterm Capacities

Shortterm Capacities

Intraday AuctionsIntraday Continuous Trading
SDAC Market CouplingJAO (Shadow Auction)**
Time/Quantity Resolution *)60 min / 1 MW60 min / 1 MW60 min. / 1 MW15 min / 0,1 MW15 min / 0,1 MW 
CCTA04 (Yearly) / A03 (Monthly)A01 (Daily)A01 (Daily)A07 (Intraday)A07 (Intraday)
CAIallocated by JAOallocated by DA Core Tool (JAO)allocated by JAOAllocated by ID Core Tool (JAO)allocated by SIDC
Earliest possible NominationD-2 12:30after Global Final Confirmationafter Publication of Auction ResultsIDA1: D-1 15:45 IDA2: After Publication of Auction Results IDA3: After Publication of Auction ResultsD-1 15:45
Nomination Gate ClosureD-1 08:30D-1 14:30 D-1  14:30***)
D-1  15:00***)
D-1  15:30***)
IDA1 (D-1) 16:00 IDA2 (D-1 ) 23:00 IDA3 (D) 11:0045 min. prior to every quarter hour
Correction CycleD-1 08:30-09:00D-1 14:30-15:00***)


Nomination Procedure1:nA:B 1:1A:BA:B

*) 60 minutes equals 4 identical quarter-hour-values, whereas 15 minutes result in different possible quarter-hour-values. Both 1MW and 1kW resolution requires 3 decimals.

**) Regular allocation method for APG<>SWISSGRID and backup allocation method (Shadow Auction) for SDAC in case of Market Decoupling

***) In case of Market Decoupling the applicable timings will be communicated

Intraday capacities

Schedules that use intraday capacities must be notified separately from other schedule time series in accordance with their own rules. When making an intraday change it must generally be ensured that only the version numbers of those schedule time series which are changed or added in the intraday change are incremented. Any schedule time series not affected by the intraday change must not have their version numbers changed (Senders Time Series Version). Intraday changes that do not comply with this requirement shall be rejected altogether. 

Attention: Reservation of cross-border intraday capacity for the Austrian-Swiss border shall be performed on the ICS platform prior to notification.

Notification procedure

1:1  Schedule notification shall be performed by the same balancing group responsible for the balancing group with an identical Energy Identification Code (EIC), i.e. the capacity rights holder must notify the schedule themselves on both sides of the border to use their capacity rights.   
B:N  Schedule notification can either be performed by the capacity rights holders themselves or by their appointed representatives. On the export side, holders may appoint a maximum of one representative (B); on the import side, any number (N) may be appointed. Representative B is always entered in the rights document, i.e. insofar as a representative has been appointed, the capacity rights holder may not notify the schedule themselves on this side of the border. Details are stipulated in the corresponding auction rules. 
N:B  As with B:N, but on the export side, any number of representatives may be appointed and a maximum of one on the import side.  
N:M  The EIC of the balancing group must match the EIC of the capacity rights holder on at least one side of the border, i.e. direct cross-border transactions with an arbitrary number of trading partners are possible. 
A:B  Notification by a fixed balancing group responsible on (A) export- and (B) import side.

Questions regarding notification of external commercial trade schedules

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