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Information on load in the APG control area is outlined in the following points:

  • Actual total load
  • Total load forecast
  • Capacity margin
  • Non-available consumption units

All information will additionally be published on the Pan-European Transparency Platform (EMFIP) of the ENTSO-E.

Actual total load

The term load in this illustration is the total final consumption in the APG control area, including grid losses.

Total load forecast

The load forecasts provided are calculated for different time horizons.

Capacity Margin

Capacity Margin is the difference between the reliable available generation capacity and the peak load.

Non-available consumption units

Unavailabilities of consumption units are published by the consumption units on the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform.


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Team Transparency & REMIT

*APG is not liable for incorrect or missing information on the APG websites. Therefore, all decisions based on information from the APG website are the sole responsibility of the user. In particular, APG shall not be liable for any direct, specific or consequential damage or other damage of any kind whatsoever arising in connection with the indirect or direct use of the information provided on the APG websites.

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