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Generation per production type

These data include net power plant feed-ins in the APG control area, itemised by type of generation. Generation values are usually published continuously with a one-hour delay. The figures are partly based on measured production, on projections from meteorological data (for instance, for wind and solar energy generation), but also on the relevant schedules for generation units that do not make real-time measured values available to APG (predominately small generation units).

  • In the interest of consistency with the data published according to Regulation (EU) No 543/2013, the projected actual output of all wind power units feeding into the APG control area has been taken into account.
  • The published values for wind generation are usually updated with the measured generation values on the 28th day of the following month (after the first clearing).
  • The Tyrolean grid area has been included in the published generation figures since 2011, and since 2012 the APG control area has encompassed all of Austria with the exception of a corridor in Vorarlberg.
  • Only the data of the actual generation is published which is fed in the public grid of the Austrian control area. This can lead to discrepancies between solar energy actual generation and solar energy generation forecast as the latter represents the total solar energy generation forecast, i.e. including forecast data beyond the feed in the public grid.
  • Update 03/31/2023: Due to European and national laws ("System Operation Guideline", SOGL and "SOGL Data Exchange Regulation" from E-Control), APG is now continuously receiving additional detailed feed-in data of the public grid in the APG control area (master data and metered values). The data pertain, for example, to the exact size and location of the installed systems (master data) as well as information on the actual quarter-hourly feed-in values from the meters of the respective connection network operator (metered values). Therewith we have been able to revise our forecast models completely, particularly in PV sector. Until now, we had only a small amount of PV data available for an accurate extrapolation. Now it has been shown that the actual feed-in is significantly higher.


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