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Information on generation in the APG control area is outlined in the following points:

  • Generation per production type
  • Generation forecast
  • Installed power plant capacity
  • Unavailability of generation units
  • Actual generation > 100 MW
  • Hydro storage levels

Further information is published on the Pan-European Transparency Platform (EMFIP) of the ENTSO-E, as well as on the Transparency Platform of the European Energy Exchange AG (EEX).

Generation per production type

These data include net power plant feed-ins in the APG control area, itemised by type of generation.

Generation forecast

These data include all planned net power plant feed-ins in the APG control area.

Installed power plant capacity

The following table provides an overview of the power plant capacity installed in the APG control area.

Unavailability of Generation Units

Unavailable generation units are reported by the generation units themselves on the ENTSO-E transparency platform.

Actual generation > 100 MW

Generation units are obligated to report actual generation data for individual generation units in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 543/2013.

Water Reservoirs and Hydro Storage Plants

The amount of energy still stored in reservoir changes with the fill level.


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*APG is not liable for incorrect or missing information on the APG websites. Therefore, all decisions based on information from the APG website are the sole responsibility of the user. In particular, APG shall not be liable for any direct, specific or consequential damage or other damage of any kind whatsoever arising in connection with the indirect or direct use of the information provided on the APG websites.

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