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Forecasted net transmission capacity (NTC)

In its role as control area manager, Austrian Power Grid AG is responsible for the determination of available line capacities for the market and their allocation, while simultaneously taking into consideration secure grid operation in Austria. On the basis of past records and many years of experience with procedures, which have been developed by ETSO (= European Transmission System Operators) and taken over by ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity), these capacities are calculated and agreed with the neighbouring grid operator.

Under Transparency Regulation EU 543/2013 Article 11.1, NTC forecasts are published on our homepage as well as on the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform (EMFIP). It should be noted that the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform performs a minimum formation, which considers data from multiple data providers. To avoid potential misunderstandings, we would like to point out that the NTC forecasts on our homepage are presented without this minimum formation and therefore may appear different.

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*APG is not liable for incorrect or missing information on the APG websites. Therefore, all decisions based on information from the APG website are the sole responsibility of the user. In particular, APG shall not be liable for any direct, specific or consequential damage or other damage of any kind whatsoever arising in connection with the indirect or direct use of the information provided on the APG websites.

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