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Cross-border information between the APG control area and the neighbouring control areas is represented in the following points:

  • Unavailabilities (REMIT)
  • Forecasted net transmission capacity (NTC)
  • Grid projects
  • Critical network elements
  • Nominations
  • Load flows
  • Day-Ahead Prices
  • Redispatching
  • Cost of congestion management
  • Allocations

Further information is displayed on the Pan-European Transparency Platform (EMFIP) of the ENTSO-E.

Forecasted net transmission capacity (NTC)

In its role as control area manager, Austrian Power Grid AG is responsible for the determination of available line capacities for the market and their allocation, while simultaneously taking into consideration secure grid operation in Austria.

Grid projects

Expansion of the transmission grid and construction projects in the APG control area can have an impact on cross-border capacities.

Critical network elements

Important critical network elements restricting the cross-border capacities are released by the Austrian Power Grid AG in an annual report.


The planned cross-border exchange of electrical energy between the APG control area and the neighbouring transmission grids is shown on this page.

Physical Flows

On this page cross-border physical flows are illustrated, i.e. the measured exchange of electric energy on the borders of the APG control area.

Day-Ahead Prices

APG publishes both the price of the Market Coupling Auction and the price of the 10:15 auction of EXAA for the Day-Ahead Market.


The congestion management measures carried out by Austrian Power Grid AG for the preservation of grid stability are made public on this page.

Cost of congestion management

Congestion management costs include the costs of all congestion management measures carried out for the preservation of grid stability.


The allocation of available capacities for each border and time horizon is carried out by various entities.


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Team Transparency & REMIT

*APG is not liable for incorrect or missing information on the APG websites. Therefore, all decisions based on information from the APG website are the sole responsibility of the user. In particular, APG shall not be liable for any direct, specific or consequential damage or other damage of any kind whatsoever arising in connection with the indirect or direct use of the information provided on the APG websites.

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