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Financial expenses and income for balancing

Information on the publication of imbalance settlement expenses and Income

APG publishes a table on the financial neutrality of the TSO in accordance with the Electricity Balancing Guideline (2195/2017) 44 (2) (short: EBGL). It covers the costs of balancing energy and other allocated costs in accordance with the AB-BKO.

Balancing energy costs (and other costs/revenues) are:

  • Balancing energy costs (aFRR, mFRR, unintentional deviation/Fskar, Imbalance Netting)
  • Penalties and non-remuneration (in accordance with the AB-BKO)
  • Costs in accordance with the ยง77a ElWOG (in accordance with the AB-BKO)

Revenues result from imbalance settlement (in accordance with the AB-BKO).

The financial expenses and income in accordance with the transparency regulation (543/2013) 17.1.i for the balance group for balancing energy are composed of the following Points:

  • Total costs of procurement of balancing reserves
  • Total income from the imbalance settlement

The difference is settled by other mechanisms than imbalance settlement (direct payment by energy producers > 5 MW, system service fee (SDL), additional settlement mechanism (ZAM).

The applicable information for the APG control area is published on the Pan-European Transparency Platform (EMFIP) of the ENTSO-E.

Due to a lack of national Regulation on how to pass on financial outcomes as a result of the imbalance settlement in accordance with Art. 44 (2) EBGL, an expected surplus or shortage will be stored at APG until national rules regarding its allocation are established by Austrian national law.

Financial neutrality of the TSO

According to the Terms and Conditions for BRPs, as they have also been approved by E-Control, all costs of energy components, i.e. costs of aFRR activation, mFRR activation, imbalance netting processes, unintended exchange of energy, and possible penalties and non-remuneration are allocated to the income from imbalance settlement with the BRPs.

In the new imbalance settlement regime, a financial surplus or shortage can occur each month. Article 44 (2) EBGL establishes the responsibility of the regulator to ensure financial neutrality of the TSO. Financial results shall be passed on to network users in accordance with the applicable national rules. As currently there are no existing applicable national rules, the financial results are held at APG until national rules are established by Austrian national law.


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