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Demand-side response electricity-saving product

In winter 2022/23, APG introduced a new demand-side response electricity-saving product to reduce electricity consumption at peak times in order to lower both electricity prices and the consumption of fossil fuels. This is based on the European Emergency Measures Regulation in response to the persistently high energy prices and the Electricity Consumption Reduction Act (Stromverbrauchsreduktionsgesetz SVRG) passed by the Austrian parliament on 13 December 2022. With this new product, consumers could make a major contribution to saving energy, curbing electricity prices and ensuring system security.

Saving electricity and cost

The demand-side response electricity saving product made it possible to utilise the flexibility of consumers by reducing or shifting electricity consumption outside of peak consumption times in a price-reducing and system-friendly manner. The tender for electricity consumption reduction was aimed at flexible consumers (commercial companies, business and industry, aggregators) who were able to provide a minimum quantity of 2 MWh of possible electricity consumption reduction over 2 hours within the main consumption times (8:00-12:00 and 17:00-19:00). These potential savings could be submitted as bids in tenders. Whether this option was utilised by APG depended on the current overall energy situation, in particular whether a high proportion of peak consumption could be covered by renewable electricity generation. If an activation was successful, the company was reimbursed a financial compensation according to the bid price.


Called up providers

The following suppliers were called up for the DSR electricity savings product in winter 2022/23:

Norske Skog Bruck GmbH
Resonac Graphite Austria GmbH
UPM-Kymmene Austria GmbH

Further outlook

Whether the demand-side response electricity saving product will be used again in the coming winters depends on the forecast situation in the energy industry. The decision lies with the responsible ministries.

If the product is reintroduced, APG will provide comprehensive information here.


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Demand-Side-Response Stromsparprodukt

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