aFRR Activation Optimization (PICASSO) and Imbalance Netting (IGCC)
APG is part of the International Grid Control Cooperation (IGCC) which aims at avoiding the activation of opposing automatic Frequency Restoration Reserves (aFRR) by netting opposite aFRR demands of member countries.
In a further step in 2016 APG and the German TSOs started a cooperation to optimize the aFRR activation based on a common merit order list. After the go-live and the accession of APG to the European Platform for the Activation of aFRR (PICASSO), this bilateral cooperation will be extended to cover almost the entire European region.
PICASSO is based on a TSO-TSO model. This means that the respective TSOs remain responsible for dimensioning, prequalification, procurement and activation of aFRR. They also remain the single point of contact for balancing service providers which are connected within the respective load-frequency control area.
The goal of the activation optimization function of PICASSO is to determine economically most efficient selection of aFRR bids. For this, cross-zonal capacity which has been allocated due to a balancing capacity cooperation is taken into account as well as cross-border transmission capacity which is still available after intraday gate closure time. In case limitations of these transmission capacities are necessary or in case not enough cross-border transmission capacities are available, the activation optimization function will deviate from the economic/financial optimum and the activation will take place according to the national merit order lists.
Additional information regarding the status of PICASSO and IGCC as well as information regarding the activation/netting optimization functions can be found here and here.
The required increase or decrease of aFRR activation due to PICASSO and IGCC are published after the end of each respective 15 minute interval here.

Market Operations
Grid control
Information about the stability of the grid frequency, the control reserve market and essential basics of grid control.
Secondary control
Tenders for the secondary control reserve in the APG control area and frequently asked questions about secondary control.